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The "Great Reset" - Trudeau Announced

Shoppers at Walmart we're in for a big surprise when they showed up and everything in the store that was non-essential was deemed illegal to purchase.

With the official announcement of the great reset by multiple world leaders, most people are worried that the government has taken its power it has acquired through declaring a state of emergency because of the coronavirus so called Pandemic.".

Take a look at these absolutely shocking pictures we have acquired from a shopping center.

No more birthday cards

No more winter clothes for your newborn baby

No more video games or electronics

No more movies to purchase

No more books to read to pass the time during lockdown.

No more toys for your pets or pet food.

(The above photos were taken in Wales of a Facebook account)

This hasn't happened in Canada yet but it's well on its way. The coronavirus has somehow officially wiped out the seasonal common cold. Leaving millions of people to think that it was part of a globalist agenda. Locking down businesses owned by people while box stores thrive was a plan to suffocate small business owners. Now that a large portion of the business owners have closed the box stores are free to control and do whatever they please. This is all part of the agenda called the great reset.

The government is paying close attention to how many people follow the orders. The more restrictions they implement the more people that are not complying. This is why the coronavirus concentration camps have been set up in every single province across the country. The lockdowns are going to get more intense killing more and more businesses and the restrictions are going to get more intense separating the people who can think from the cells and those who can't.

The government is also purchased 72 million needles with committing to enough vaccines to inject every person in the country, whether they like it or not. They say they're going to make it mandatory to have a vaccine to purchase a ticket through Ticketmaster.

Pay attention Canada, this is a test.

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