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"Tell the truth" being chanted outside Bell Media in Toronto as people notice they've been lied too

The Mainstream media is lying to you and they've been doing it for many decades, they have been physiologically analyzing your personal data and testing ways to manipulate the general public for years. People are waking up now and as a result they have taken it to the front doors of Bell Media in Toronto. Crowds gathered at the corners of Queen Street West and John Street and chanted "Tell the truth" on Monday, January 24th 2022 in hopes the media starts doing their jobs.

The media is supposed to ask questions about what the government is doing and raise awareness about issues that need to be addressed and that's what Canadians tune in every night at dinner time for. This is not just a select group of people like the media wants you to believe, this is almost everybody.

Click the picture below to watch the video

"Dominoes are falling" one person commented on his video and that pretty much sums up whats happening all around the world right now. Did you know that 6 identities own 90% of the news and media outlets in America. That's why you see the exact same headlining news on every station because it's been the best way for damage control up until now.

Jim Morison is quoted saying, "who ever controls the media, controls the mind." and in 2021 it was flexed until it has absolutely broken societies all over the world.

Sadly Canada is late to the party because other countries all over the world have already woken up and taken the stand against their government as the UK is a prime example.

The good news is that it is not to late, the bad news is that if absolutely everyone does not get behind this movement then it's going to be twice as hard next time as we are predicting Martial Law measures from the Liberal government as predicted in "The Great Reset" roll out plan where you own nothing and be happy in 2030.

Unless you want that to happen I suggest you join the Truckers Convoy rolling into Ottawa that has caught national support with over 4.1 million dollars have been donated to a Go Fund Me account with over 55.5K people who have donated already.

Brought to you by:

Public Relations Canada

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