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PRC News Polls: Covid-19, Divorce, Suicide, Overdose, Jab Pressure, UFO's, Fire Trudeau and more...

I don't know about you but we've never talked anyone who has ever been asked to be in a poll since the pandemic started, and we talk to over 50 people per day. Over the last 400 days there have been more stats about things designed to make life seem complicated. Because of this we see a major difference in the stats mainstream media and stats Canada publishes so we decided to a little stats poll of our own.

Here is what we asked, how they votes, and where they came from, along with how many people voted, yes full disclosure. We call this real news!

These stats are from a poll we ran on our Instagram page for 24 hours on May.11.2021, we has an age demographics of 66% between the ages of 18- 34, 66% of the people asked to vote were men. We broadcasted these questions and did not choose or control who was able to vote or how they voted. The votes were completely voluntary leaving us to believe only the people who are passionate about the questions and answers, effectively leaving out the people who don't care or are too busy to bother.

Here they are:

Question time

Do you believe Covid-19 is the common cold?

82 - 74% Yes vs. 29 - 26% No

With 74% of the people believing Covid-19, you can agree they are not going to be getting the vaccine for something the don't think is more of a threat than the common cold. Flu shot, maybe...

Do you know someone that tested positive for Covid19?

130 - 81% Yes vs. 31 - 19% No

The main reason the country is locked down id because of cases, yet 1 in 5 people who answered our pole haven't even heard of someone testing positive. Something very fishy going on there.

Do you wear a mask outside or at any time by yourself?

6 - 4% - Yes vs. 159 - 96% No

We can assume 3% of you have health problems to begin with and we get that the common cold may kill you, so we understand. However 1% of you are running around exercising with a mask on. We see you and you look as brainwasher as you feel.

Do you know someone that died from Covid19 alone?

21- 13% Yes vs. 144 - 87% No

87% of people don't even know anyone who has died from the so called virus, keep in mind the average age of death for Covid19 is 84.

Are you sick of being locked down?

168 - 98% Yes vs. 4 - 2% No

Almost 100% of our poll is sick of being locked down, that means at some point when this all breaks the civilians will unite and come together to overcome this madness.

Do you know someone or are you getting divorce due to Covid19 as contribute factor?

43 - 28% Yes vs. 108 - 72% No

3 out of 10 people have experienced a divorce in their lives within the last 400 days. That means this pandemic has changed many families lives forever. in 2017, 56% of Canadians were married with 15% living common law.

Have you or anyone you know lost a substantial amount of income since the Pandemic?

105 - 66% Yes vs 54 - 34% No

2/3 people have had someone in their life lost a large amount of income in the last 400 days, Canadians GDP 1/4 which is at an all time high. That's means for every $1 you pay the government in taxes the have spent $4. At this rate we will default and another country will have to buy our debt and then own us, probably China.

Have you or someone you know lost a friend or family to suicide since the pandemic started?

42 - 29% Yes vs. 104 - 71% No

With 3/10 people losing or knowing someone who has lost a friend or family member to Suicide, we would think this is the true pandemic since only 13% of people in our poll know someone who has died from Covid19, but here we are...

Have you or anyone you know lost anyone to overdose since the plandemic started?

62 - 43% Yes vs. 82 - 57% No

Once again, With 4.3/10 people losing or knowing someone who has lost a friend or family member to overdoses, we would think this is the true pandemic since only 13% of people in our poll know someone who has died from Covid19, but yet again here we are...

Do you know someone who had an adverse reaction from the vaccine?

58 - 45% Yes vs 70 - 55% No

With only 26% of people believing that Covid19 is more than the common cold and 45% of the people voted know someone who has had an adverse reaction to the Vaccine, you would have to think the majority won't be getting that shot.

You believe in Psychological warfare?

118 - 90% Yes vs. 13 - 10% No

9/10 people that voted believe in Psychological warfare, that means they know it exists so there is still hope for us yet.

Do you believe is subliminal messaging?

124 - 95% Yes vs 6 - 5% No

9.5/10 people believe in subliminal messaging but only 91% believe it can control your mind

Do you believe in mind control?

124 - 91% Yes vs 12 - 9% No

Basically if 95% of you believe in subliminal messaging but only 91% believe it can control your mind then 4% of you are completely brainwashed.

Have you ever seen a hypnotists?

41 - 30% Yes vs. 96 - 70% No

3/10 have seen first hand what mind control can do on a very small scale for entertainment, imagine what they can do with a TV.

Have you ever seen a UFO?

36 - 26% Yes vs 101 - 74% No

2.6/10 people who answered have said the have seen a UFO meaning they have seen more intelligent life forms on our planet

Do you believe in aliens?

116 - 83% yes vs 23 - 17% No

With every major government on the planet confirming what was once know as a conspiracy theory, we now know that there have been reports from military aircraft of UFO built by aliens.

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Do you believe music can change your mood and the way you think?

142 - 100% Yes vs. 0 - 0% No

Absolutely everyone believes music can change the way we think, can somebody please write a sone that have a universal vibration that counteracts the one happening right now please? Thank you

Do you believe watching television can change the way you think?

132 - 96% Yes vs. 5 - 4% No

Again with the 4% of people absolutely brainwashed by the local media, to think 100% of people believe music can change the way you think but a sequence of light and sound at the same time does't have a strong effect is mind blowing

Do you think you are smarter than 51% of the population?

110 - 84% Yes vs 21 - 16% No

Interesting question here, naturally thin number should be 49-51 but it shows that 33% of people out there are not as smart as they think.

Is someone close to you pushing you to get the vaccine?

63 - 47% Yes vs 70 - 53% No

with 33% of people not as mart as they think and 47% of people experiencing other people pushing the vaccine on others, you would have to think the remaining 14% are employers or people that just don't want to get the shot alone because they are being forced to for work. Many nurses have contacted us saying the have seen what the shot does to the people who get it and will not be getting the first shot, some have said the will not be getting the second shot also.

Have you been grinding your teeth in your sleep in the past year?

64 - 49% Yes vs. 66 - 51% No

The amount of stress is compounding to the fact that teeth grinding has doubled in the last year, just ask your dentist.

Would you vote for Justin Trudeau if there was a snap election?

6 - 4% - Yes vs. 131 - 96% No

Another 4% that seems to completely brainwashed by the local mainstream media as the numbers through out polls look consistent based on out independent study

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