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Nova Scotia under Martial Law for NO REASON

"In Nova Scotia we have police waiting on all the highways, you can’t even leave the municipality" says one concerned Nova Scotian.

Nova Scotia is an Island off the east coast of Canada with a population of 971,395 in 2019. In 2019, 183 people died from the flu and there have only been 79 deaths in the last 15 months.

"You are not allowed to interact with anyone outside your household, And only one designated person per household is allowed to shop for essentials. All small businesses are closed, but big box stores are open."

"If you want to leave your community you have to present papers to the rcmp, WW 2 shit. No one from any other province is even allowed to move to Nova Scotia right now. There are people who bought homes here that aren’t allowed to cross the border from New Brunswick and PEI, and have to pay for lodging on their own in the mean time."

This is all with. only 37 new cases yesterday.

In an official press conference earlier in the month our premier said directed at people against lockdowns “what is wrong with you?”

"They have also added to our state of emergency that specifically protests against lockdowns are illegal but other protests aren’t if social distancing is used."

The only essential businesses allowed to be opened right now are ones selling the following: Baby product stores Cleaning products Computer and cellphone repair Office supplies Food Gardening supplies Gas stations Hardware stores Laundromats Personal Hygiene products Pet supplies Pharmacy’s Automobiles strictly by appointment only.

When asked if anyone in Nova Scotia is protesting we got this answer, "People tried to have one but it was shit down immediately and people were arrested. That’s when they banned any anti lockdown protests. I’m trying to get a business up and running and had to cancel all my advertising for the last month. Small businesses are being hit the hardest"

He went on to add, "I can’t have 2 people in my office at a time, Have seen my parents 3 times in the last year."

He noted he did not want us to use his name: "I’d even be willing to do an interview for you as long as my name or face isn’t used! People here are just nuts and will be in front of my business with pitchforks."

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