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🇨🇦 PR Canada News 🇱🇷 Trump/Trudeau

     On behalf of 🇨🇦 PR Canada Inc. 🇨🇦 and the rest of Canada, we sincerely hope you took at least one page out of Donald J. Trump book and that is simply this....

"When you run to be the leader of a country and you make promises, YOU KEEP THEM!"

"Donald Trump is being ridiculed for many things and so are you but the difference is like a boy to a man. Men do what they say they're going to do and boys says what ever will keep them out if trouble in the next 5 minutes." 

They things you say and do are not credible and we want our votes back.  You're giving away money Canadians don't have and your cost more jobs than you've made. Over 240,000 jobs lost in Alberta alone and now you've created an imaginary tax.  

Canadians want to know when and or/if marijuana will be legalised because it's now the only way we're going to generate enough revenue to pull our government out of debt. Your spending is almost beyond repair. 

It's hard to think you're going to be "in power" for the amount of time you are. God help us all

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