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2016 "the BACHELOR" TV Series might not be what you think-Divorce

As millions of ladies around the world racing home after working or make sure the turn on their PRV's to tune into the Bachelor to see one man go on a wild goose chase on national TV this past Monday night. As many of you choose which girl you like the best while the rest of you are picking apart the rest. Ladies prepare to watch the Bachelor every Monday nights for a two hour show almost following it like a cult.

With divorces happening left right and center these days it seems like more people are splitting up rather than tying the knot.


1) Is watching "the Bachelor" Endorsing the behavior of men to see more than one woman?

2) Is watching "the Bachelor" brainwashing young boys and girls that dating multiple partners is normal?

In 2008, 59.7% of marriages in Yukon were projected to end in divorce before the thirtieth wedding anniversary. This was the highest percentage among Canadian provinces and territories. The percentage for Quebec (47.4%), Alberta (46.0%) and Ontario (42.1%) were also higher than the national percentage of 40.7%. Newfoundland and Labrador had the lowest percentage at 25.0%. - Family Life

If you take a look at 1997 - 2007 you will see the rise in divorce from 34% to 42% in just 10 years. If you take that increase and stretch it over the next nine years the divorce rate would be 50% in 2016. This has people couples wondering if getting married is even worth it with only half the people in this study and projections staying together.

So, you might want to think twice about this the next time you want to watch "the Bachelor" with your man, you might be sending him the wrong message.

What Should I do: Try going outside, Yes OUTSIDE! Go Skiing, Snowboarding, Hiking, Snowball fights, take your car out and pull some Ebrakes.... Live a little! Sitting in front of the TV season after season if taking the live out of life. Take your partner (If you're lucky to have one) and do something you have never done before. Those are the things you will remember together and will keep you together longer. Let's face it, 20 years from now neither of you are going to remember who won the Bachelor in 2016, but you two will never forget that epic snowball fight you had with your future Husband/wife in the snow Castle you built for fun together next Monday.

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