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116.5 million dollar Vaccine lottery in California

Well looks like the next step in California fight against covid is to create a lottery for the people who get the vaccine. Yes, that's right a lottery, to the tune of millions of dollars.

"California today is announcing the most significant incentive program in the United States of America we're putting aside more resources then another state in America and we're ranking available the largest prizes of any state in America for those that seek to get vaccinated, so these are real incentives"

"These are real incentives these are an opportunity to say thank you to those not only seeking to get vaccinated as we move forward but also those that have been vaccinated." - Gavin Newsome

Can you imagine how much of people's health they can help with 116.5 million dollars in the United States.

Vaccinated Californians 12 years old and older, illegal immigrants included of course, who can win up to 1.5 million dollars in this vaccine lottery and get this a 15 million dollar cash grand prize will be split between 10 vaccinated residents.

100 million in 50 dollar gift cards will be shelled out to the next 2 million fully vaccinated Californians and on 50K Fridays 30 people will win cash prizes and all you got to do to be eligible is get the vaccine.

Let's keep in mind the California got 42 Billion in taxpayer relief for the pandemic. All coming from the taxpayers pocket in the future. Getting the vaccine is a personal decision and a decision that should be made because one truly feels the need and desire to get it no health decision covid related or otherwise should be made or bribed by cash prizes perks or anything else.

California isn't the only state pulling this either at least four other States including Oregon, New York, Maryland, and Colorado, have launched similar lotteries and giveaways.

There's been way too many incongruencies with us pandemic and has been going on for far too long. You got to wonder how unelected health officials are now running our countries relieving the elected officials from any sort of responsibility or liability to their positions of elected power.

As Canadians watch what's happening all over the world you have to think that they would wonder if the government's going to bribe them to take the vaccine also. Some people are on the fence about getting the vaccine but now are going to wait to see if the government is going to give them a cash prize to do so.

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