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Average Age of Death in Canada

Updated: Feb 24, 2021

Why are people living longer with Covid? Maybe something is off.

We are seeing some unusual statistics from government Information in Canada. For Example in British Columbia the average age of death is 82, BUT the average age of death from Covid-19 in BC is 85. This is causing many to question what is going on. The provinces own data is showing that Covid-19 patients are living 3 years longer than those that do not die from covid. What? Yes.

Is this an actual pandemic? Average age of death is higher than normal age of death? All government provided data proves that this is no pandemic, but a media & govt driven fear mongering success story.

This trend in data has been seen all across Canada also.

  • The current life expectancy for Canada in 2020 is 82.52 years, a 0.18% increase from 2019.

  • The life expectancy for Canada in 2019 was 82.37 years, a 0.18% increase from 2018.

  • The life expectancy for Canada in 2018 was 82.22 years, a 0.1% increase from 2017.

  • The life expectancy for Canada in 2017 was 82.13 years, a 0.1% increase from 2016.

Source: Macrotrends

72% of Canada's Covids Deaths are over the age of 80.

Average age of death is lower than Covid average age of death. This does not align with a deadly pandemic. Pandemics cause not only and increase of deaths but should lower the average age of death not raise it! Government data is showing people are living longer with covid than without covid.

FURTHER, recent Govt Stats Canada data shows that Canada has not had NO EXTRA DEATHS IN 2020, NONE. See below.

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